Es un pequño relato sobre un par de personas que se conocen en un parque y entablan una relación un tanto ambigua. En general autobiográfica, el único problema es que está en inglés porque me resulta más facil expresarme en ese idioma, porque no me hago líos con palabras bonitas pero superfluas, vamos, que voy directo al grano, me sirvo de la sencilléz, basicamente porque estoy empezando. Estoy Trabajando en la traducción. Espero que haya alguien a quien le guste, las críticas son bienvenidas.
And so she moved...she moved to the rhythm of his words, she got involved in the beauty of his music. He made her smile with just one touch, everything was bright and clear; Sunday afternoons and heavy dark clouds, sunny Tuesdays in the park, rainy Fridays they spent. Things seemed so perfect, they used to sway to the music, they just got carried away, she moved with the flow She knew he wouldnt stay, but deep inside she had a hope.
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Escrito por ArsMagna ( Offline), el 16 de julio de 2008
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He was a musician, bold, extrovert, he enjoyed peoples attention. She liked fish and chips on Sundays, loved to sit on the couch with a cup of tea on rainy days; but most of all, she loved cumulous white clouds, she used to lay back ... Leer mas